Wednesday, June 11, 2008


If i had lepidoterophobia (afraid of butterflies) i would never be able to go out side because there are a million butterflies around my house. If i was afraid of butterflies i couldn't live any more because almost every were you go you can see a butterfly so i don't think that i could live.

My two phobias that i have is coulrophobia, and Arachnophobia. I fear clowns because when i was a kid i went to a carnival and my mom got hoocked up with of one of the clowns and yeah.
I have a fear of big spiders because i watched a movie about a big black spider that could kill a 300 pound men and hang them up by their toes.

The weirdest celebrity phobias is Pamela Anderson's fear of mirrors. I think that it weird because you would have to look in the mirrors to get ready for a show.


skater said...

what movie is the one with the big black spiders i will not even go and rent a spider movie i hate them

Tayla. (: said...

I'm scared of clowns, ever since I saw "It".

the_man_734 said...

A lot of people are afraid of clowns because of the movie "It." Steven King does that to people. Sorry about the spider phobia. I don't fear them, because I can step on them.

Sonia Early said...

"It" scared me when I was little, but I'm not afraid of clowns now.

LumberJack Zack said...

lol i am not really that scared of spiders

LeeAnna said...

I understand why you would be afraid of clowns. That would scare me too. Pam just has issues.