Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Are Professional Sports Fixed?

Tim Donaghe, past disgraced referee, has charged that the 2002 Western Conference Final between the Sacramento Kings and the Los Angeles Lakers was rigged to produce a revenue boosting seventh game. With the additional game seven, gamblers would have a chance to place and earn more money to impact the game. Donaghe has earlier admitted that he did in fact bet on games he officiated. He reportedly earned thousands of dollars while betting on games that he officiated. He has charged that the three referees that worked that game called fouls on the Kings to enable the Lakers to make enough free throws to win the game.

Michael Wilbon, a staff writer from ESPN, wrote that the game featured the worst officiating that he had ever seen in the thirty years that he had watched and followed basketball. A letter written by then Presidential nominee Ralph Nader threatened Comissioner David Stern with legal action if he didn't fix the problem or at least lead an investigation. Stern chose not to launch an investigation citing "sour grapes." Donaghe's admission happened three years later. Not only did he admit to wrong doing, but he also said that he wasn't the only official involved in the game fixing.

This is important, because it soils the idea of sports in the eyes of the average public that may not be sports fans. From a true sports lover, I am ashamed at Donaghe's actions, and I feel that he should be disallowed from ever officiating games again. David Stern should be punished as well. Sports need to be legitimate games and not fixed.


Sonia Early said...

A lot of things are fixed nowadays. I find it quite stupid. It ruins the event, just the thought of something being fake makes one detest it.

bloodgirl101 said...

That is a good question. Sonja is right, like everything is fixed now days.

skater said...

ya i hate that they do that it is not the same as back in the past that is when it was good.

Tayla. (: said...

Sports are retarded anyways. Lol.

LeeAnna said...

Everything is "fixed" in todays world. It is sad ,but true. I use to watch a lot of the ESPN reviews when I was younger when my uncle would baby-sit me. He is into sports big time. He writes the sports page in one of the newspapers and would watch it and I would watch it with him.

LumberJack Zack said...

i agree with LeeAnna