Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And this is why you dont mess with the quiet kid.

This music video made me really sad. You actually see alot of this kind of crap. People being picked on/tortured just because they are different. That needs to stop. If you agree let me know, and if you are the one doing the torturing...you've got alot coming.


Sonia Early said...

Like I find anything sad.

the_man_734 said...

I wish they would have stayed away from the warewolf theme. That was unnecessary. I think that the theme of the video would mean more if the band would have parlayed the image of getting through the hard times without violence. The murder of the bully makes the victim no better than the bully. That gives kids the wrong message. Pearl Jam put out a video for their song Jeremy, in which a student kills his classmates after being bullied. They did this due to their desire to prophesy about the future. Unfortunately, we live in a day and age in which this has happened too much. I had my life threatened in eighth grade by somebody that really didn't like me. I didn't want to exercise violence on him, because I was and am above that. My value was too high to waste my time on people like that.

softball_girl said...

I liked the song. and the video was true. people will finally break.

bloodgirl101 said...

You are right it is kind of sad but it is really cool, I think he is cool but it wouold have been better if the costum would have looked more like a warewolf instead of a troll but it was still good and i liked it. I think that he was right defending him self and if the guy was stupid enough to follow then he got what he deserved the stupid idiot was picking on him and didn't stop then he deserved it. I like the girl how did you know she was a warewolf? She was really good at acting and luring the guys in so he could finish them off. I think that he could have been a little more weak though, it would have made him look more strong and maybe he wouldn't have benn such an arse hole. But he was really weak before, so i kind of liked it it was really good.