Thursday, June 12, 2008

Degrassi Spring Break Movie.

Here are some of my favorite characters.

Jake Epstein plays Craig Manning.
Mike plays Jay.

Here is Emma and Manny when they were younger.
My have they grown!!!!Degrassi is one of my favorite tv shows in the whole world. When they came out with a Degrassi movie, I freaked out! I was like, super happy and I almost cried. Ha. I've been watching this show for years, and the characters have been growing up, just like me. I didn't even really notice how they grew up. Since I've been with the show for years, I guess I didn't really noticed the change. Then I saw an old episode and I was like..."Omg! I cant believe how much they have changed!"

Well the movie was basically about how Manny and Jay started hanging out. They lied to her parents, saying they were getting married, but Jay actually gave her a real ring. So when she told him to get lost, he switched her dvd's of her audition for a performing arts college with one of them making out. When Manny got to the college she noticed and freaked out! She thought well...maybe if I do a really good audition they wont need the dvd. She was so wrong. Just as she was about to go do the performance, Jay walked in with the dvd, trying to give it to her because he realized he made a mistake. The head of drama said that Manny ruined it. She was distracted by Jay! So Manny ran out in tears with Jay following her.

I'm not going to ruin it for you guys, but I'll say one thing. Jay gets her another audition by pretending to be her agent and going to the head of the drama department. He does all these things for the head to get Manny the audition. So when she did it...she got accepted in the school! It was great. So then she decides, she really does want to marry him...and since that movie left me on the edge of my couch, I'm anxiously awaiting the new season!!! I found out that Jay goes to jail, but I don't really know much more then that.

Stacey Farber plays Ellie Nash.

Miriam McDonald plays Emma Nelson.And the beautiful Cassie Steele plays Manny Santos. My favorite character! GORGEOUS!


Akimitsu Hatsaharu/Maximum said...

WELL that's got to suck, What did he do to be put into jail? Maybe it was his pretending to be an agent...

skater said...

ya i have not seen this one but it sonds good

the_man_734 said...

Who is Degrassi? Isn't that family one of those in which the father is a mob boss? What network aired the show?

bloodgirl101 said...


LumberJack Zack said...

yea i haven't seen it either

LeeAnna said...

I don't know any of the people and I don't know the movie. That dvd, if that ever really happened, that would be imbarrassing.

Sonia Early said...

I'm not such a fan of Degrassi, but then again, I haven't seen much of it.