Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My top ten favorite horror/thriller flicks

It goes like this, even though the pictures are all whack.
10. Carrie
9. Misery
8. Fallen
7. Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed
6. Ginger Snaps
5. Interview With The Vampire
4. The Devil's Advocate
3. Hannibal
2. The Cell
1. Red Dragon

I like Stephen King movies a lot, but I really like the Hannibal Lecter series, though Silence of the Lambs is a bit gross, what with the ways of the serial killer(putting on lipstick and doing other non-masculine things). I really like The Cell, it's like a psychological thriller and Tarsem Singh did a good job on directing it and coming up with the plot. I really like all of the other movies, too. It was hard to choose which movie went where.


softball_girl said...

I love the horror movie. you forgot stay a live.

softball_girl said...

Oh and hannibla lecter is movie all of them

LeeAnna said...

I haven't seen one of those movies. So, I don't know what to tell you.

skater said...

i like horror movies you never know whats going to happen.

LumberJack Zack said...

i think that horror movies are ok

casey said...

i dont really like scary movies but im sure if you like them thats cool

Tayla. (: said...

What the fu*k? What the hell was that gap???? Bitc*. Lol. Just kidding. I really alot of those movies.

the_man_734 said...

My favorite horror character is easily Hannibal Lecter. Anthony Hopkins wasn't even supposed to get that role. He was put up to it by Steven Spielberg. He had never even played a horror character!!!

bloodgirl101 said...

I have neverr seen any of these movies, and i would never would be able to see them ever