Wednesday, June 11, 2008


What Phobia do you have!!??

Chronophobia is a fear of money. if i had a fear of money it would be very bad. if i had a fear of money i would not be able to do anything in this world. because there is nothing free in this world, everyone needs money and no one needs money to survive in todays world. i could go even go some where with out walking. then after a while i couldn't do that. because i would need money to get food so i would have energy to do that.

My to fears are losing LeeAnna Garringer, and gay people. i am afraid of losing LeeAnna because i really care about her a lot, and it would be very bad if i were to lose her. i can barley handle going a couple of days without seeing her and i could not go without see her at all. i would go crazy. she means everything to me. And i am also afraid of gay people. if i see a gay person i stay away from them. i can not stand them i think that they are going to try to have sex with me or flirt with me or something. If someone were to try to do anything like that to me that is the same sex i would be ticked off!!! and would probably kill them. or put them into the hospital. it saays in the bible "1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (NIV): "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters, nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.""

Carmen Electra is afraid of water. yet she is on Baywatch. that don't make no since at all to me. and in most of her pictures she is in water modeling WTF is that all about? HUH!!!


the_man_734 said...

That may be the only time that I have ever heard somebody talk of killing somebody and then quote the Bible. Vengence is mine saith the Lord?

skater said...

im with you on the gay thing i would be really mad to

Tayla. (: said...

Fear of money? That is just so stupid! I love money!!!! MUAHAHAHA!

bloodgirl101 said...

I think that it is sweet of you to feel like that,I am inpressed that you know that you know that. Not very many people know that. That is really wierd.

Sonia Early said...

Money is a necessity.

LeeAnna said...

...I really don't know what to say. I love you. I love it when you tell me just how much I mean to you in this world. Don't worry. You don't have anything to fear cause I am NOT going anywhere!!!