There once was a point in time in which television networks had standards. The famed TV show "Happy Days" got in trouble once because Fonzie used the word "diaper." Get this. That word was considered dirty! That's pretty ironic isn't it? The word pregnant was also considered to be a no-no. George Carlin had a routine entitled "seven words you don't say on TV." He used them all almost exclusively in that routine. Now every one of those words has appeared at least on a cable show. My how far we have come. For instance, there was a CSI show in which Grissom is investigating a murder at a vampire sex cult house. That never would have been shown in the past due to indecency.
Many people are wondering why people are less friendly than ever before. There are so many families that are cracking apart. I believe that it very possibly could be the fact that so many people are exposed to things that they weren't exposed to in the past. It starts with the kids shows today. So many of them are filled with adult humor and plot lines like never before. I am not saying that television is the downfall of society. I am saying that the almighty dollar is the downfall of society. As long as there are people willing to submit to the demands of a product, networks will continue to push the envelope. Society needs to stop being mindless sheep led to the slaughter. Let's let sleeping dogs lie.
I love television, but I don't really watch it all that much. I only watch like, the Disney Channel, Fuse, and The N.
Against abortion I'm pretty sure.
I stay outside most of the day and when i go in i am on the computer in tell i go to bed but when i do i just watch movies on it
If we had thoes ratings now we would be in a world of trouble. and alot of families are to gather now due to they dn't understand the values that you are suppose to have, when you get married.
I like Happy Days and tv. I agree little kids are shown more things these days. I think people should let a little kid be little as long as they can.
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