Staind Biography
Staind was formed in November 1995, and is is a four-piece alternative band from Longmeadow, Massachusetts. They released their first album, Tormented, in November 29, 1996. Their second album, Dysfunction, became extremely popular and sold over two million copies in the U.S. Their third album, Break The Cycle, became more popular with heartfelt (and reportedly improvised) lyrics, solo acoustic guitar, and backing vocals by Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit. Staind's more recent albums are 14 Shades of Grey and Chapter V. Aaron Lewis(the bald guy) is the lead vocalist/guitarist,John Wysocki plays the drummer,Mike Mushok is another guitarist, and Johnny April is plays bass.I think that Staind has good lyrics, good instumentals, and good vocals, so therefore they should be listened to.
I liked Staind alot. They are fricking awesome!!!! I hope one day I get the chance to see them live. Muahahaha!!!
I love groups of people or as a band. which everyone you prefere.
ya they seem like a good band but i dont know them
I didn't know Staind had been around since 1995. I thought they were still fairly new, but apparently that is not the case. Wow, the things you learn.
I don't know who these people are.
I read your journal, and your picture of Christian is distorted. The people that you met that prejudge each other means that you have met Christians that have weaknesses in their own life. Since they have weaknesses in their own lives, they feel the need to point the weaknesses in the lives of others in order to feel good about themselves. What they forget is that you may be able to fool people, but you can't fool God. He looks at the content of the heart and not the outside claims of greatness that phony Christians are so apt to give. This may shock you in a way, but about 75% of Americans claim to be Christians, but only about 10-15% actually live up to what they claim. The "ian" on the end of Christian means like, so Christian means Christ-like. Judgemants are not Christ-like. In fact, Christ is the only one that can correctly judge a person, so we as a society need to keep our comments to ourselves. We are ignorant on this topic.
Yeah my menonite(sp?) neighbors are starting to piss me off. I really don't like them now. They're the ones who sparked up the idea for that topic. So... what about all else that you read? Any views on that?
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