Thursday, June 5, 2008

Boring stuff.

1. High gas prices
2. More drugs
3. More violence
4. Communism

There are alot of issues that have been increasing since the 50's. For one thing, gas prices have more then doubled. Alot of people don't really understand why, but it's because of the war that is currently taking place in Iraq. Back then of course there were war, but the gas didn't go up massively like this. Drugs is a big difference now and days. Yes, there were drugs, but not like the ones we have today. There are more chemicals in drugs now and days, these chemicals can kill a person from just one use. Violence has become a big issue also. Back in the day parents didn't have to worry about their kids going outside to play, now and days their are kids getting kidnapped and murdered, raped. As for communism, it seems like it has changed alot. I guess back then, you didn't own your own land, the state did, but today, people have privet property, something people didn't have back then, in the communism days.

I could change alot of this crap easy. First, Id tell that stupid president Bush to bring home the troops! Maybe if this country didn't act the way we do, other countries wouldn't try to kill us! With the whole drugs issue. I don't really have any problem with it. If people want to selfishly indulge in drugs, I'm all for it. It's their body they are going to be abusing, not mine. It's none of my business. Violence can easily be stopped, but with all the psycho people out there that find pleasure in committing crimes are still running wild. Kill all of them, then their wont commit the crimes. Communism to me sounds really homo. I cant change it, so I wont even go there.


skater said...

ya i agree with you on some of the stuff just not the drugs and killing the people that are killing other people becuase if you did that then you r the same as them and 2 rongs dose not make a right

the_man_734 said...

I don't think that the drug problem has ever actually been minor. I think that with the media and weaker legislation, drugs have become more plenteous. It seems as if everybody is giving up the fight against drugs. Even Ron Paul, a Republicn candidate was quoted as that the war on drugs is something that we should just give up on.