Friday, June 6, 2008

The Future of Media

I believe that media will change a lot in the future. There will be no VHS tapes at all. Cassette tapes will be no longer present. I believe that every movie will be done in high-def regardless of the length or subject. People will be able to order movies with their cell phone at any point in time. The Nintendo Wii is the future in video games. Every system will start to make games that can put into a headset that will beam images onto a screen after it is turned on.

In the area of television, viewers will have the chance to hit pause on their remotes. After they hit pause, they will have the chance to construct the next scene. Television shows will have options for the viewer to pick so they have a say on how the show runs.

We will also have flat screen computers at every public restaurant and business with a portable mouse that will enable people to go on the internet whenever they desire.

We will also have self starting vehicles. The vehicles will start with a push of a button on a computerized remote. The doors will only open due to voice recognition. This will cut down on car theft.

What else will we have? Only time will tell.


Tayla. (: said...

I think your thoughts are very interesting, and I hope we do have stuff like that in the future. My grandma still doesn't know how cell phone works. She said it is amazing what people have come up with.

skater said...

ya i think we should have some of that and we have a lot now but we will need more then what we go now

LeeAnna said...

Wow! You have every thought this out. I think they are interesting. Some of the things that you have said are alread happening.