Friday, June 6, 2008

The Future of Hunting in my eyes!!!!

I think that the future of hunting will go very far. Every year we get more and better equipment. And I think that we will keep doing that. I really like our equipment and excited to find out what is in the future. I think that we will end up having a lot of night vision things. And a lot of other things like that. I really like hunting and am ready for what ever they come up with next.


skater said...

i agree

softball_girl said...

i don't really like hunting that much anymore.

Tayla. (: said...

They should have traps that recognize what animals they catch, and weight them an all, that way once you go to check them out you know what you catch and stuff.

bloodgirl101 said...

the future of hunting isn't really my feild of interest. so i'll just leave that to you.

the_man_734 said...

What sort of advancements will hunting see? What sort of equipment will need to be improved? What do you think?

LeeAnna said...

I think your right about all of night vision things.