Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Teenagers have many temptations that they go through. Most of the temptations get them into trouble. Once the temptation is a part of their world it is very hard for it to go away. It is a part of them now. Temptations have a way of scaring you. Some of the temptations are: alcohol, drugs, and sexual activity. Unfortunately teenagers are doing this more and more everyday. No matter where or what they are doing somehow these things are still around them even if they a not experiencing them. Television and music shows teenagers that it is really out there. Back in the 1950's alcohol, drugs, and sexual activity were not allowed to be shown or heard of. Now that is all people talk about.

Alcohol is a product that you have to be 21 to purchase. The only problem is that somehow teenagers end up with it. They get other people to buy it for them. Alcohol is a very serious thing now days. If you get caught under the age the police don't just let you pour it out and let you go. That was how it was in the 1980's. Alcohol makes people not what they truly are. It turns you into a different person. Alcohol is illegal for a reason. Alcohol commercials always say to drink responsibly ,but teenagers don't. Some adults abuse it as well.

The difference between alcohol and drugs is that drugs are completely illegal. You can't be a certain age before you can use it. It is not allowed for anyone. If alcohol messes with your mind then drugs which are illegal will really do so damage. Now I'm not talking about drugs like medicine that are for illnesses. I personally know people in my school that do drugs. Their mom is the one the buys it for them. Great parenting. Right? Marijuana is by far the most used illegal drug. Some teenagers think that if they don't do drugs they won't be "cool".

The use of alcohol and illegals drugs is normally where it starts ,but the end of the night is where the sexual activity tends to take place. Not always though. Partying brings all of these things together. One thing just leads to the next. Sex is a drug itself. No, sex is not illegal ,but it can mess with your mind. Teenagers are supposed to say "NO" ,but peer pressure kicks in. A lot of lines are used. Some teens think that they have to do it just cause everyone else is. They might not want to ,but they do just to join the fun.

Personally, I have not experienced any of these things that I've mentioned. I really enjoy having parties ,but an illegal party has never come my way. I wish I knew a way to fix teen temptation ,but no matter what they are still going to do what they want. I have talked to my friends about it before ,but my word doesn't matter. I can't tell you how to fix this ,but I can tell you why teenagers did it. There is always that chance of being caught and that is a trill!


Sonia Early said...

I'm not a fan of parties, so I'll never be at an illegal party, unless someone ties me up and drags me there, otherwise, I'm not going.

Akimitsu Hatsaharu/Maximum said...

Yeah I'm not much of a party person, Unless it's me and my friends having a party

skater said...

i dont do anything so there is not any thing i can say about this because i dont do anything i dont drink and i dont smoke and i dont do drungs i am a good kid

the_man_734 said...

Well done, this shows a lot of original thought. Keep your nose clean, and you won't have anything to regret later. I am proud that you have taken the stand that you have. That is very commendable.

Tayla. (: said...

Temptation is such a big thing now and days. It's like if someone has a problem, then they work hard and quit that problem, they are still labeled that. Well, I don't really think that weed should be illegal. It does mess you up once your in that "high" state, but it's really quite funny. You laugh your arse off for no apparent reason! And you get really hungry! It is so hilarious watching people go on a trip. But doing it like 7 times a day, like my ex Fonz, is retarded. Because then you need more and more and MORE to feel that same "high" experience. That is burning a hole in the ole pocket!

LumberJack Zack said...

i have been to an illegal part before. SHHHHH don't tell no one. thats my secret.

bloodgirl101 said...

I can't go to any parties becuase i freakout. But if i did go i tyhink that i would get sick. i also think that anytime that i go to a party i think there should be an adult there.