Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Are You Shy????????????

SHY- If you are shy then you can not talk to any girl that you like just like me its hard and it is making my life hard. It became a problem when i was about 11 years old and it has been with me for about 8 years.

I am the one that has the shyness and it is really hard for me to talk to girls that i like and it is hard for me to talk in front of kids at like school because I think that every one will make fun of me and it makes me mad when i think that. And every one has told me not to worry about what every one thinks and i don't but my face still turns red.


Just wait for you to come out and stop being shy and you can try to talk to a girl that is really good looking and see if it helps you to come out of your shyness but i don't know if it will or not. But i am just waiting for me to come out of my shyness and see what happens to me and that is all i can do if any one that know of a way come out and say it so in know. And i am really trying to get out of my shyness but i do not know if it is working yet or not


Akimitsu Hatsaharu/Maximum said...

Push through it, Stop thinking before you speak. Speak then tell yourself "i shouldn't have said that" it may seem really awkward but it will work, Trust Me.

Tayla. (: said...

Oh wow. You seriously did not peg me as a shy person. I mean, girls scream your name for crying out loud! I don't think you have a problem talking to girls, but who am I to make that assumption? Well, I am shy also and it sucks! I don't like talking to super hot guys because I always think that they will think I'm like, hitting on them or something, or they think I like them, even though I do, but still! I get soooo scared at the thought of talking to a guy I like, unless that guy is a friend of a friend of mine, I tend to stay clear of their way. LOL.

skater said...

ya i am and i really do not know any of the girls that yell my name lol and you can ask every one zack knows that i am

Tayla. (: said...

Well all I know is that you probably don't have any problems. Your cool, funny, an interesting person to talk to, and yeah. It's funny that your shy actually. I think people that are shy are cute. HA. Adorable is more like it. It's like "Awww...they are shy?" LOL. I know, I'm weird, sorry.

skater said...

lol ya i know but im trying to get out of it

Tayla. (: said...

I don't think I'll ever get out of it honestly. I get all...shaky and...the butterflies and crap. I hate being in front of large crowds. It's like "OMFGOSH! DON'T LOOK AT ME!" Lol.

Akimitsu Hatsaharu/Maximum said...

Work on it for a while shane you'll get past it

the_man_734 said...

Honestly, I encountered this to a certain extent. I had to work through my shyness, but I made myself go through it in certain stages. At first, I would make myself just talk to them about small things like school work or music. Gradually I worked myself up to the point in which I had gained confidence in myself to where I could talk to them at leisure.

Sonia Early said...

I'm not shy, I'm antisocial! I never suspected you to be shy. Wow.

LumberJack Zack said...

Well see i have never been shy before. i like not being shy.

LeeAnna said...

When I was younger I was shy ,but I grew out of it. Now my sister is the shy one.

bloodgirl101 said...

I am only shy if i mess up when i am around someone.