Tuesday, June 17, 2008


In Salina, Kansas a 66 year old man, Robert Schulz, had a car wreck. The car crashed into a house. When the police came up to him for questioning the man said that the wreck was caused by a brain freeze. Before the accident Robert stopped by Sonic and bought a frozen beverage. He was drinking his frozen beverage while driving at 3:45 in the afternoon. When he took a big in take of his drink he was hit by a painful sensation that caused Robert to crash.

This is very sad. I didn't know that Sonic drinks had such an effect. I have a feeling that Robert won't be going to Sonic anytime soon and if he does he has problems, but having a car wreck because of a brain freeze is a problem too. The only thing you can learn from this is NEVER drink and drive! You never know what's going to happen.


Tayla. (: said...

I think that is a crock of crap.
There is no such thing as having a brain freeze that bad that he had to crash into a house.
He probably spiked it with alcohol or something.

Akimitsu Hatsaharu/Maximum said...

That's funny, Never drink and drive. It was his fault i think, don't take that big of a frozen drink old man!

the_man_734 said...

At least Billy Joel didn't make that excuse when he drove through a house. That's pretty sad to drive through a house. It's not like you can't see it sitting right there. I'm guessing Mr. Shulz didn't win the argument.

skater said...

i do not drink so i do not see me drinking a driveing

bloodgirl101 said...

I shall remember that when i start to drive. Anyway that is so wierd that he had a reck becuase he got a brain freeze.

Sonia Early said...

Ha! "Never drink and drive." Don't gulp it down next time, ya old man!