Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Hobbit

The Hobbit is the first book of The Lord of the Rings. Pretty much everything that happened before all the movies began. It is said to be released in 2009.
I think I shan't see this movie. I only really watched the first one completely. I tried watching the other two but failed wonderfully, but if this seems like a good movie then I'll probably go see it. Depending on how hot Elijah Wood is.


LeeAnna said...

They are making The Hobbit into a movie? Really? If they are I would be able to believe it.

Akimitsu Hatsaharu/Maximum said...

Elijah woods character wasn't alive yet, During the time of "The Hobbit" But they will probably have him play Bilbo since he is Family to his character

the_man_734 said...

Wow, they will literally make a movie about anything. I wonder how they are going to pull this off. I knew they would eventually look to this book for a movie. Who would you cast as Bilbo Baggins?

bloodgirl101 said...

i have never read this book but it sounds really good.I think that it would be ok to read but my mom doesn't want me to read it.

Sonia Early said...

I watched all three movies and couldn't get enough of them. I can't believe that they're making The Hobbit now. They should've made it first.

LumberJack Zack said...


skater said...

ya i do not think that will be a good movie if they do that