Monday, June 16, 2008

The Bucket List and Other Unfulfilled Movie Ideas

Last week, I watched "The Bucket List" with my wife. I picked this up from the Redbox, and I was really expecting something better than what I got. Five Oscars for teh combination of Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. That screams greatness!

I was expecting a great film. I mean come on now Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. It has to be great. This film is just another of Hollywood's ideas that just are completely hollow. It was nice, but that was it....just nice.

There seems to be a rash of films in which the production company and director meant well when it was made, but the end result was just..... unsatisfactory. I have written a list of upcoming films that I just don't see why we need them.

1) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: Harrison Ford is well over 60!!!!
2) Beverly Hills Cop IV: Does anybody care about Eddie Murphy any more?
3) You Don't Mess With the Zohan: Can Adam Sandler pick subject matter that is anymore inappropriate at this point in time?
4) Semipro: How bad does Will Ferrell plan on stooping?
5) Mama's Boy: After watching the previews for this movie, I wonder if Jon Heder wishes he could just make Napoleon Dynamite II.
6) The Love Guru: Mike Meyers as we once knew him has bit the dust.
7) Hellboy II: We get this movie, because the first one was just so good right?
8) Meet Dave: You just have to check this one out for yourself.
9) The Midnight Meat Train: Who wants to watch a movie about spare ribs and sirloins? That is what this is about right? Wow, lovely title.
10) The Mummy III: Why in the world would anybody cast Jet Li in this movie?


Sonia Early said...

I liked Hellboy! I wouldn't watch the sequel, though. A lot of those movies sound really gay-tarded.

Tayla. (: said...

I really want to see some of those movies.
Maybe I shall.
I would like to see the Zohan one.
It looks really retarded.
But I really like Adam Sandler movies!

LumberJack Zack said...

i want to see 1 and 10

LeeAnna said...

I didn't think The Bucket List would be that good in the first place. Also, I would like to see Indiana Jones. Non of the others. Just that one.

Akimitsu Hatsaharu/Maximum said...

Jet Li is Good!! you never know how well he might do!

bloodgirl101 said...

those sound like good movies i have seen some of them.