Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Man 'Fine' After Firing Nail Gun Into Head

This X-Ray that was taken June 10th is of a nail that is lodged into George Chandler in Kansas.
He said that he felt fine and like nothing was wrong with him after he accidentally shot a 2.5 inch nail into his head. Him and his friend were Building something in his back yard. And the hose built up a lot of pressure and the gun shot a nail. He said he didn't know where the nail went but he felt a sharp pain in the top of his head. The doctor after getting the head of the nail to the base of his head he used a regular claw hammer to remove the nail from his head.

I think that is pretty funny in a way. lol the doctor used a claw hammer to remove the nail. LOL!!! I have nailed my finger to the roof before while roofing but nothing like that.


Akimitsu Hatsaharu/Maximum said...

That it really weird, how did he not "feel" the nail go into his head?

the_man_734 said...

How could you not know that there was a nail in your head? How would you explain that to your wife? "Sorry honey, but you need to come to the hospital, because I shot a nail into my head."

Sonia Early said...

Wow. The old "Hammer and Nail" method, eh?

LeeAnna said...

I have heard of air heads and this guy had to be one if he didn't feel much.

skater said...

that would really suck but i would just run to my wife and act like i am dieing lol and it would be funny

Tayla. (: said...

Holy crap that is so funny!
It's all like "Hey! Where did that pesky nail go??"
*Scratches head*
"OOOOH, that's where it went, crap."

bloodgirl101 said...

I would have to agree with matt. How in the heck could you not feel that nail in your head. I think that i would at least feel a little wierd, maybe have some headache or something like that.