Just wanted to say hello and comment on everyones' writing. I think it is amazing what you are doing here on the blog. I love all of your usernames! I know there a million things you would rather be doing, but what you are doing here on the blog is important stuff. Hopefully, some of you are having fun, too. The writing Mr. Tutterrow is having you do is helping all of you make connections to the world around you, as well as increasing your fluency as writers. Good writers write, and as read your posts, I realized how well some of you already write. The best thing one can do to improve writing ability is to simply write. Keep up the great work! I will enjoy reading your posts from afar.
Speaking of afar, I am in New Hampshire writing my master's thesis. I always feel inspired to write when I am here. I have enclosed a couple of pics. One of them is of me on a whale watching adventure off the Atlantic coast. We saw over thirty whales. Most of the whales we saw are humpbacks, but we also saw some fin and minke whales as well. The humpbacks are by far the most fascinating. They become curious of us and swim right up to boat to check us out. I have some great video, one shot shows a breach, which is unusual to see, let alone capture on video. I am excited to show it to all of you this August.

The second picture is the view of Lake Winnepesaukee taken from the back door of my wife's brothers house. This is one of the most inspiring places to write for me. I wrote a poem last summer about the view.
Like I said, I will continue to read your posts and lrk from afar, so keep it up!
Talk to you later.
Mr. N.
P.S. Hello Sonja!
thanks for the pics i never been ther befor and i would like to go there some time.And have a good time thier.
That is cool. I have always been fasinated by whales and always wanted to see one. and you seen over 30. that maked me mad. well i am glad you are haveing a good time there. those are some cool pics. i like the one with you o nthe boat. i would love to go fishing there it looks like awesome fishing water. but it looks cold. well hope you have fun. ttyl Bye!!!! :-)
Hello Monsieur N! Having fun? How's the weather out there? All is well here, fine as always. Unexpected eh? This blogging thing is pretty fun, I was surprised. Au Revoir!
That's a really cool picture. I've never been to New Hamphire. I've never seen a whale up close either. You are very lucky to be on vacation far away from here cause I won't be able to go anywhere.
Hey what is up! How is it out there, we are still blogging, the jr. high got to go to the pool today and we didn't. I hope you are having fun up there.( If you didn't know this is sierra)
Bye take a lot of pictures!!
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