Thursday, June 26, 2008

DRAGON FABLE You can go to this website and play this game.Many of youa have probably heardf of this game but neveerr played on it. To me this game is relaxing. I can be my self and do stuff without anyone judging me and that is good alot of the time.

This game some people would say is bad becuase of the spells and magic, but actually it is a good game. It may not help kids in the furture ( unless they take alchemi lessons) but it doesn't show blood, ugts, and it is not gory.If you ever need a pet get twilly not zorbac. twilly hits what you need him to.

In this game you are a rogue, warrior, a ninja, a paliden. You can be all different things and you can choose. People never know it is you unless you tell them so you can do almost anything you want on that web site.

As you level up you have to goet more expirance but the quest get harder and harder so you get more expiance and more gold.


Tayla. (: said...

I don't really like games al that much, so I don't think I shall be checking this out.

LumberJack Zack said...

no offense but that is kind of dumb

skater said...

ya i will stick to world of war craft lol

Akimitsu Hatsaharu/Maximum said...

I haven't played it for a long time so i don't know all thats going on

the_man_734 said...

I don't care for those fantasy games. That means that I am also not into fantasy books, shows, or movies.

LeeAnna said...

Are you a big video game player cause I never really thought you were?

Sonia Early said...

It looked kind of simply-made, and a bit boring.