Thursday, June 26, 2008

22 Rock Heroes You Just Don't Get

Entertainment recently published an article on their website entitled 22 Rock Heroes You Just Don't Get. This list intrigued me, so I figured it was worth a look. I assume that this article is probably in this month's magazine as well.

I must admit that the list poked fun at some of the bands that I actually like. The list kicks off with Rush, and I must admit that outside of a couple of songs, I am not a huge fan. They go on to mention people like The Dave Matthews Band, The Rolling Stones, The Beach Boys, The Eagles, The Beatles, and Aretha Franklin. As a fan of music, I was actually appreciative of this list, because they weren't afraid to kick some of the most influential rock artists right in the teeth. This list got me thinking about artists that I would put on this list. Who were artists that I just didn't get? What artists do I not understand why people think their music is so good? I now put the task in front of myself to come up with my own rock artists without looking to the list. Without further discussion, here is my list (not in any particular order) of the artists that I just don't get.

1. Pink Floyd: Why are they good? Nothing stands out about their music.
2. Cher: There is absolutely no reason why anybody should buy any of her music.
3. Alice Cooper: He is all show and no substance.
4. Celine Dion: Her voice has been known to make her young kids cry. DITTO!
5. Elton John: What can he do that Billy Joel doesn't do better?
6. Boston: Did they have more than three songs?
7. Neil Diamond: He is no more a musical pioneer than I am the Queen of England!
8. Nickelback: The lead singer can't sing, and EACH SONG IS THE SAME!!!!!!
9. Motley Crue: Can somebody tell me why people like these guys?
10. Rod Stewart: Why do or did women find him even slightly attractive?,,20208116,00.html?iid=top25-20080626-22+rock+heroes+you+just+don%27t+get


LumberJack Zack said...

nickleback should be before cher and elton john

Tayla. (: said...

Yeah, I never really liked any of those singers anyways. Except for Nickelback. And Cher when I was younger. Lol.

Akimitsu Hatsaharu/Maximum said...

Thats good. i like the celine dion the most "she makes little kids cry" That is funny!

skater said...

Im with zack nickleback should be before cher and elton john i think nickleback has some really good songs out there

LeeAnna said...

I actually agree with a lot of that. I don't like Celine Dion at all. Compairing Elton John with Billy Joel is dead on too.

bloodgirl101 said...

nickelback is awsome my favorite song by them is far away. They are the best.

Sonia Early said...

Nickelback is awesome,though I'm not that much of a fan. I like Motley Crue's "Saints Of Los Angeles."