Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Humorous Tips

How to entertain people and be funny

1. When you are talking slur your words

2. Cross your eyes, look up as far as possible without bending your head up

3. Use a funny sounding voice for effect to the eyes and slurring of your words

4. make a funny face to go along with the voice, eyes, and speech so it completes it.

5. Do this with emphasis one the one part of the joke to make it more funny and get more people to laugh and laugh harder as well.

6. Make sure it's something that everyone will like. Try not to discriminate. It may seem funny to some but never all.

7. Never be racist there are quite big consequences for that in a joke.


skater said...

ya i don't know much about people telling jokes but it seems you know about them

Sonia Early said...

I really like Larry The Cable Guy's comedic performances, er, I mean Dan Whitney's comedic performances.

the_man_734 said...

Who is your favorite comedian? bill Cosby is great. You should go back and hit up some of his classic bits. Chris Rock certainly doesn't abide by your last rule!

Tayla. (: said...

Number 7 is right!!!!

LeeAnna said...

#7 is very true! It's humorous ,but factual! You don't want to make anyone made or want to kill you cause you made them so made.

bloodgirl101 said...

lol those are some nice tips.