Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Four Great Ideas

On March 25, 2007, a 20-year-old named Anthony was stopped by police for speeding. The car that he was driving happened to be stolen. The cops handcuffed their suspect and put him in the back of their patrol car. As with all typical people who know that they are about to get jailed, he thought that he could outsmart the cops. His first idea was to get the handcuffs from behind his back to in front of him while the officers had their backs turned. After completing this task, he got his second idea, which was to squeeze through the little window and get into the front seat. His third idea was, of course, to start the car and drive off. His fourth idea was to continue driving with flat tires after cops spiked them. The police decided to use their procedure of ramming the rim of the car in order to spin it and slow the car down. However, due to the fact that the stolen patrol car's tires were flat, the car spun off the road and rolled. Anthony forgot to include fastening his seatbelt in his master plan, and therefore was thrown from the car, and died a week later as a result of his injuries.

Wow. I don't wear my seatbelt often, but if I was about to jack a vehicle, I'd at least make sure to buckle it that time.


LumberJack Zack said...

i wear my seat belt

Sonia Early said...

Good for you.

skater said...

ether way if you do or you dont it all comes out the same some bad crashes say if they were wearing there seatbelt then they would not have made it and some are the other way if you were wearing your seatbelt then that is a good thing

Akimitsu Hatsaharu/Maximum said...

that is pretty hilarious. I can't believe he did all that.
Other than that GEES sonja being an arse!

the_man_734 said...

It is a wonder how stupid some people in this world are. This guy should have been let loose. He is no threat anyway.

Tayla. (: said...

Well, I guess that plan did not work to well now did it? LMFAO! Poor little "parents unmarried before he was born".

LeeAnna said...

That guy was stupid! The more we read, the more stupid people we discover. LOL! That's sad!

bloodgirl101 said...

I wear my seat belt to.