Tuesday, July 1, 2008


A female in Canada called the cops because she felt she got ripped off in a drug deal. So, she called the cops and they checked it out, and they confirmed that...it was real crack-cocaine. She was arrested for drug possession.

(Indiana) A man had the good fortune to raise a healthy marijuana plant in his back yard. But then tragedy struck. He received a phone call from the authorities, saying he was busted but they would not press charges if he brought the bush into the station. Roots and all. So he sadly hacked his 8-foot annual down and carried it into the lobby of the Sheriff's office, where startled officers took him into custody for suspected felony cultivation. Turns out the phone call was a prank. That must suck!!! LOL!!!!


LumberJack Zack said...

that is funny!!! lol i would hate that gay

skater said...

ya that is funny and it would suck that it was a prank

Akimitsu Hatsaharu/Maximum said...

That is bad, i can't believe that he did that!

Sonia Early said...

That last one would be hilarious! I would die laughing if I was the prank caller and I saw the arrest on the news.

the_man_734 said...

Why are people that stupid? I don't know which is dumber, the Canadian lady or the Indiana man. They are both pretty stupid. I wonder if the drugs helped to make them that stupid.