Nightmare truly cannot be compared to any other band in the Japanese music scene today. Their diverse sound includes everything from heavy beats and operatic vocals to beautiful melodies and catchy lyrics, creating a type of music that sets them apart from the rest.
Although theyve abandoned their over-the-top costumes for a milder look, Nightmare is still classified as a visual band due to the extravagant make-up and wild contacts usually sported by guitarist, Hitsugi. Not only are the five members of Nightmare dynamic musicians and performers, they are also humorous individuals who use all aspects of their personalities to show off what they can do.
Guitarists, Hitsugi and Sakito created Nightmare in Sendai in January of 2000. They were joined by vocalist Yomi, bassist Ni~Ya, and drummer Zennin, their lineup wasn’t complete until July when Zennin left and was replaced by Ruka, formerly in Luinspear.
Nightmare started their career by storming the scene in their early days and never slowing down. Their first tour took place in July and they released Zange, their first demo, in August. Carrying a heavy, violent sound, Hankouki, their next release sold out quickly during its pre-order period, demanding a second pressing the following month.
I like this band because they too are making their own way trying to create their own original style of music and appearance. Trying to be as creative in their music as possible. Diversity in their music is what makes them unique, and is also what makes them famous. They have lots of good songs. (I did this purely because i couldn't think of anything to do and only 1 or 2 people here know about them at all.)
that is a wierd band sorry but thats what i think
ya im with zack on this one and they look wierd to are the a hard rock band?
I don't think I like them much. XD I like Dir en gray better.
Oh how lovely! So nurple...eee.
Yeah whatever! Nice.
Do any of your bands have cheerful names? They all seem so dark. Maybe that is just what is in right now.
I don't know anything about Japanese bands. I like a song called "Turning Japanese" ,but the band isn't Japanese. I don't really think the song counts for anything ,but oh well.
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